Transvirtual Web Update
Transvirtual TMS 1.7.0
Features and Improvements
Planning Dashboard
- A calendar view is now available from the planning dashboard screen. This allows for viewing availability of vehicles (filtered by headport & vehicle type) or of drivers (filtered by assigned headport). Daily, weekly and monthly views available with drivers/vehicles already committed to a load appearing in red from view.
- Consignment booking times are now visible from within the load planning dashboard.
Core TMS (Finance)
- Allow for Invoice Groups to be set as a default and not for specific customers
- Fixed an issue whereby pricing did not pull through correctly from EFM system integration when the associated consignment had more than 1 line item.
- Resolve an issue relating to EDI exports to ensure filenames referenced within csv reflect files sent.
- Resolved an issue where new mobile accounts experienced an issue with scan types not displaying on login to mobile app.
- Resolve an issue where users where prevented from uploading different logos for use within their account.